Dienstag, 28. Februar 2012

daily life..

hey guys :)
today I decided to write a post in English, because it's been very long that I made that and I didn't speak English for a long time because I was in holidays..
yesterday I sent the confirmation about the preparation seminar back to iE. unfortunately that's all what's new about my exchange year. everyday I hope to get a call or an e-mail about the hostfamily but I think I still have to wait some time.. lots of students whose organisation was iE received their hostfamily in june-august. I hope that I get my hostfamily a bit earlier, I'm so excited and I really want to know where I'll live for 10 months!
thursday I have an exam in latin and I don't look forward to it at all. :(
in 4 weeks, I'm in holidays again and I can't wait! Before the holidays I will go to France for 1 week as a student-exchange. And in may, my class and me we will go to England for 5 days. we'll live in hostfamilies and we'll visit London, I'm very excited. :)

so that's all for now.
here's a photo of me, I was so boring so I decided to show it to you. :)

and I'm really really sorry for the errors I made, I hope you forgive me ;)


3 Kommentare:

  1. ahh gerade über den blog gestolpert und was fällt mir da auf? ich habe jemanden gefunden der zum gleichen VBT geht ;)

  2. ahh, wie cool!! :) hast du auch einen blog?:))

    1. nee ich bin nicht so der schreiberling... :)
